To Mom and Dad, on your 40th Wedding Anniversary


Forty years ago, your hearts and lives were joined as one, before God.  Your journey, together, has taken you from coast to coast, across the oceans and back.  Your love for each other has endured through good times and bad, only to draw you closer together, and closer to God.  You emerged from humble beginnings, and strived together, to fulfill your dreams.  God looked upon your union and blessed you with children.  Through your example, and love, you taught your children of God.  You have given love, patience and understanding.  We are truly blessed to have you as our parents.  As we reflect over the past 40 years, we are grateful that God brought you together, and placed us in your lives.  Thank you for loving each other, and teaching us, and creating our family.  We love you more than words can say.  Our prayer for you is that God continue to bless your lives, and fill your hearts with love.

Happy 40th Anniversary, Mom and Dad

Your children & Grandchildren

- Dennis, Damon and Stella -

- Christopher, Andrew and Bradley -


July 15, 2000